David Reddaway Sensei's Yakusoku Kumite notes
These seem to be based both on the IOGKFNZ notes and on a longer version of the video that's on the yakusoku kumite page.
Yakusoku Kumite – Series One
Semete: Migi Jodan Oi-Zuki. Kata: Migi Jodan Hiki-Uke, Shuto-Uchi, Ashi-Bari.
Semete: Migi Chudan Oi-Zuki. Kata: Migi Chudan Yoko-Uke, Gedan Zuki, Shuto-Uchi, Ashi-Bari, finish with Kakato Fumi-Geri.
Semete: Migi Chudan Oi-Zuki. Kata: Morote Hiki-Uke, (Catching wrist and shoulder), Ashi-Bari and pull down, finish with Geri or Uke.
Semete: Migi Jodan Oi-Zuki. Kata: Hidari Jodan Age-Uke (in Zenkutsu-Dachi), Jodan Gyaku-Zuki, step forward 45 degrees into Shiku-Dachi, left blocking arm catching opponents’ wrist, dropping down into Koshi-Dachi (feet in Musubi-Dachi position), pull arm down, right arm Ari-Uke to sweep leg, push knee into opponents hip and punch Jodan.
Semete: Migi Chudan Mae-Geri. Kata: Migi Shuto-Uke, Hidari Shuto-Uchi, Ashi-Bari (takedown opponent).
Yakusoku Kumite – Series Two 1:02
Semete: Migi Jodan Oi-Zuki. Kata: In an instant drop down and forward into Koshi-Dachi, catch leg at heel (outside) and knee (inside), with a pull and push action take down and finish Fumi Komi-Geri.
Semete: Shoulder charge to solar plexus. Kata: Simultaneously slide left arm under opponents’ right arm, and right arm catches and presses behind the neck, throw using opponents forward motion with Tai-Sabaki in a spiral action and release.
Semete: Migi Chudan Oi-Zuki, Hidari Chudan Gyaku-Zuki combination. Kata: Morote Shotei-Uke, then strike with both hands morote Shotei-Zuki to collar bones.
Semete: Migi Chudan Oi-Zuki. Kata: Hidari Shotei Yoko-Uke, Migi Haito-Uchi, grip the right collar tightly and strike Sokuto-Geri with Migi right thigh to the opponent’s right thigh (reap) taking them to the ground, finish with a Migi punch to head.
Semete: Migi Chudan Mae-Geri. Kata: Hidari Gedan Uchi-Bari, Migi Haito-Uchi.
Yakusoku Kumite – Series Three 2:08
Semete: Migi Jodan Oi-Zuki. Kata: Migi Jodan Age-Uke, step forward into Shiku-Dachi, Kinteki-Uchi, catch with your front foot your opponent’s leg and throw, Fumi Komi-Geri.
Semete: Migi Jodan Oi-Zuki. Kata: Hidari Jodan Age-Uke, and Nukite-Zuki (Kinteki-Uchi) to groin, catch with your opponent’s wrist, step Migi Shiku-Dachi pick your opponent up into fire-mans lift and throw onto head (using Hari-Uke).
Semete: Migi Jodan Oi-Zuki. Kata: Step forward into Shiku-Dachi, Hidari Jodan Shotei-Uke (pushing block arm across the face), strike Gedan Nikite-Zuki, use your blocking arm to attack opponent’s throat, front leg and catch behind attackers’ knee and throw with scissor action, finish with Migi Ashiro-Geri.
Semete: Throat grab two hands. Kata: Step back before opponent grips, Morote Age-Uke, step in and attack with shoulder charge to stomach and quickly pull back and up on opponents’ knee and throw, finish with Fumi Komi-Geri.
Yakusoku Kumite – Series Four 3:18
Semete: Migi Jodan Oi-Zuki. Kata: Morote Hiki-Uke, Shisochin Kata elbow lock and throw opponent by forcing against the upper arm : ausing a forward roll.
Semete: Chudan Mae-Geri. Kata: Gedan Hari-Uke, scoop leg, Chudan Shotei-Oshi pushing opponent back, Ashi-Barai and throw, punch Jodan.
Semete: Chudan Mae-Geri. Kata: Hasami-Uke, (as in Sanseru leg capture and kick throw) kick to point behind groin, insert foot between legs, lift knee into opponents’ leg and force downwards to throw, Kansetsu-Geri to groin, throw leg across the body to finish.
Semete: Migi Jodan Mawashi-Geri. Kata: Jodan Juji-Uke, right hand push against opponents’ right arm and grab their collar, hook right leg behind the supporting leg (reap leg), lift and throw, finish with Fumi Komi-Geri.
Yakusoku Kumite – Series Five 4:40
Semete: Chudan Oi-Zuki (Kizami or Mae Ken-Zuki). Kata: Hidari Yoko Shotei-Uke, Jodan Migi Shotei-Zuki, move quickly forward and down keeping your body close to your opponent, catch their left heel pulling up and back while simultaneously pushing down with your right arm into hip/groin area and throw, finish Nukite-Zuki or Shotei-Otoshi.
Semete: Migi Jodan Furi-Zuki. Kata: Hidari Jodan Yoko-Uke, Migi palm attack to ear (Seiyunchin), left hand catch opponents’ wrist, right hand around their neck, turn your hips into your opponent’s hips, support attackers’ weight over hips and throw Koshi-Guruma (shoulder/neck throw), finish arm bar.
Semete: Migi Jodan Oi-Zuki. Kata: Hidari Jodan Age-Uke, Migi Gedan Niku-Zuki (Kinteki-Uch)i, twist your hips into your opponent’s grasping your left hand onto your opponent’s right wrist, right hand grasping under their left shoulder, support attackers’ weight over hips and throw Koshi-Nage (hip throw), finish arm lock.
Semete: Shoulder tackle or choke attack (2 hands). Kata: Drop down and grab opponents’ legs and throw by rolling them over shoulders.
Semete: Shoulder tackle or choke attack (2 hands). Kata: As your opponent tackles Hiza-Geri to chest, your opponent will catch your knee, grab their belt and fall backward and throw (Tomo-Nage) (Choke), as the attack comes in fast throw hand in air as a decoy, simultaneously drop your body into Koshi-Dachi, as your opponent loses balance take weight on shoulders and throw backwards.
Yakusoku Kumite – Series Six 6:30
Semete: Chudan Mae-Geri. Kata: Gedan Sukui-Uke (catch under the leg), Ashi-Barai, throw and Nukite-Zuki.
Semete: Jodan Mawashi-Geri. Kata: Soto Yoko Juji-Uke, Grip behind the neck, Hiza-Geri, throw in a spiral motion (push head between their legs), Boshi-Ken to the eyes.
Semete: Chudan Yoko-Geri. Kata: Yoko Juji-Uke (double handed sweeping block), step behind and catch the collar (hair), kick or Ashi-Barai back of leg and pull down.
Yakusoku Kumite – Series Seven 7:25
Semete: Chudan Oi-Zuki. Kata: Tai-Sebaki and pivot to the side, block with wrists in a scissor action (as in Seiyunchinkata) catch attackers right wrist, step across, twist body and wrist to throw.
Semete: Pushing or gripping lapels (both hands). Kata: Grip fingers (thumbs) pull down and out on the joints, Hiza-Geri or Hiji-Ate.
Semete: Jodan Oi-Zuki. Kata: Jodan Morote Hiki-Uke, Chudan Shotei-Zuki, move arm in a circular motion (rotate forward) to take down.
Semete: Jodan Oi-Zuki. Kata: Jodan Morote Hiki-Uke, Hiza-Geri, pull opponent to bent forward position and Otoshi Hiji-Ate (dropping elbow) to neck.
Yakusoku Kumite – Series Eight 8:20
Semete: Jodan Oi-Zuki. Kata: Jodan Morote Hiki-Uke, catch wrist and elbow, lock arm (figure four), throw backwards, apply figure four wrist lock.
Semete: Chudan Oi-Zuki. Kata: HIdari Chudan Shotei-Uke, Migi Jodan Gyaku-Zuki, catch wrist with right hand and roll left arm down to partners elbow, tae sebaki and throw, apply arm lock.
Semete: Jodan Oi-Zuki. Kata: Jodan Hiki-Uke (inside), Jodan Gyaku Shotei-Zuki, grasp opponents’ wrist, step outside front foot and Ashi-Waza (sweeping the leg), simultaneously drawing your inside elbow down your opponent’s arm to throw.
Semete: Chudan Oi-Zuki. Kata: Hiki-Uke (outside), Shuto-Uchi, (same as Geksai Dai Ichi) at the same time go down to the ground with your opponent and kick to the head from prone position and Ne-Waza (apply ground techniques for example, choke, wrist, elbow locks aka Gekisai Dai Ichi).
Semete: Chudan Oi-Zuki Jodan Gyaku-Zuki. Kata: Chudan Hiki-Uke and catch and Jodan Hiki-Uke (Tora Uchi) and catch right hand turn, lift left hand and simultaneously turn your body to lock the joints to throw aka Sepai.
Yakusoku Kumite – Series Nine 9:54
Semete: Jodan Oi-Zuki. Kata: Morote Jodan Hiki-Uke (outside), combination shoulder and elbow lock, twist wrist and throw (aka Kururunfa). (Kururnfa throw)
Semete: Chudan Oi-Zuki. Kata: Hiki-Uke reverse lock elbow from underneath (as in SesanKata) attack throat, Migi elbow to face and migi reap leg throw (Ashi-Barai).
Semete: Migi Grip lapel (one hand). Kata: Hidari catch wrist against your chest, Hidari Palm strike to the ear, Hidari insert fingers between partners fingers (grip fingers or wrist) and bend back, simultaneously turn and move backwards to drag (throw).
Semete: Attempt to Grip lapel or (two hands have grabbed the lapel). Kata: Use Morote Age-Uke before grip established, grip fingers of one hand and push forward then back in a circular motion to take down, (if the opponent has secured a grip, strike to eyes with Nukite-Zuki then Age-Uke).
Yakusoku Kumite – Series Ten 12:10
Semete: Two Hand gripping one wrist (or arm). Kata: Migi Kin-Geri (Groin or leg strike), turn forearm close to the body, turn your body and at the same time lock the arm and drop to the ground and Ne-Waza (ground techniques).
Semete: Push with one hand. Kata: Catch in a scissor action, twist your body around, interlock your fingers over attacker’s wrist, place their elbow on your shoulder, place your heel on attackers’ foot and pull arm down aka Kururunfa.
Semete: Grip body from behind. Kata: Turn forearms upward to break the grip, Ushiro Hiji-Ate, catch elbow and shoulder, lower hips, pull and throw Seoi-Nage (over the shoulder throw).
Semete: Ashi-Tori (leg catch). Kata: Pull front foot back, strike ears and palms, twist and throw then Ura-Uchi to the face (aka Saifa).