While not necessary at all to learn, enjoy, or even get good at Karate, knowing some basic Japanese can help to add to one's enjoyment and understanding of Karate and Japanese culture. It's also just nice to know you're pronouncing things correctly.

# Karate Words

See Vocabulary

# Pronunciation

This is an excellent article with information on pronouncing Japanese (opens new window)

# Reading Japanese

# Hiragana

A writing system of Japanese, hiragana is phonetic so if you can read it, you can say it (unlike English). Tofugu present an excellent resource on learning to read hiragana here (opens new window) They also go over correct pronunciation of sounds.

# Katakana

Katakana is another writing of Japanese, it uses the exact same sounds as hiragana and is just another way to represent the same sounds. It's usually reserved for things like loan words or for providing emphasis (kind of like how use capital letters to SHOUT.) Here (opens new window) is another excellent resource for learning from Tofugu.

# Kanji

Kanji is the most difficult of Japanese alphabets to learn and the characters themselves originated in China. Wanikani (opens new window) is an excellent resource for learning kanji, however for the average person's needs (looking up what a kanji means), using a dictionary like Jisho (opens new window) is probably enough.

# Resources

Some resources for learning Japanese