# Gekisai Dai Ichi

Gekisai Dai Ichi
kanji: げきさいだいいち
alternate name1: Fukyu Gata Ni
alternate kanji1: きゅうがた
origin: Okinawa
creator: Chojun Miyagi
created: 1940s
learnt at: 10th Kyu/Ungraded (White Belt)
required for grading: 9th Kyu and above

The first kata taught in modern Goju Ryu. It was created to help popularise Karate. It is the only kata in Goju Ryu that ends with a step forward instead of a step backward.

# Name Meaning

# Gekisai Dai Ichi

When you interpret the kanji characters for 'Gekisai' individually, you get something more like "Attack & Destroy". Taken as a single word, Gekisai(撃砕)means "Pulverising​". Dai Ichi(第一)means "Number One". So "Attack & Destory Number One" or "Pulverising Number One", the former is the more popular interpretation. The reason for the "number one" is because Gekisai Dai Ichi is from a pair of kata, the other being Gekisai Dai Ni(撃砕第二).

# Fukyu Gata Ni

Fukyu (普及) means "Popularisation", "Gata" is another way of saying "Kata" and 二 is "Two".
This name means "Popularisation Kata Two". For more info on this, see the history section.

# Kata History

It was created to help popularise Karate in the 1940s by Chojun Miyagi with the help of a Shorin Ryu Sensei. It introduced Jodan Uke into the Goju Ryu syllabus.

# How To

# Important Points

  • Head, hand and foot are all in sync when you perform the first chudan yoko uke of the two blocking sequences.
  • After each mae geri there is a stomp.
  • When performing the step-up-and-block between the two morote zuki, maintain the same height as your zenkutsu dachi stances.

# Kata Techniques

  • Jodan Uke
  • Jodan Oi Zuki
  • Gedan Barai
  • Chudan Yoko Uke
  • Gedan Mae Geri
  • Fumikomi Geri
  • Hiji Ate
  • Ura Ken Uchi
  • Gedan Gyaku Zuki
  • Ashi Barai
  • Jodan Shuto Uchi
  • Morote Zuki

# Kata Stances

# Dan Grade Changes

  • The Chudan Yoko Uke are muchimi.
  • The Jodan Age Uke are more circular in their movements.
  • The Chudan Yoko Uke used between the two Morote Zuki is changed to an Otoshi Uke.

# Bunkai

See Gekisai Dai Ichi (Bunkai)