For the kata, see Sanseiru

# Standard Bunkai

1. Block, punch, block

From hidari zenkutsu dachi, Migi chudan oizuki.

Follow with hidari chudan gyakuzuki.


Suriashi to the left, block with migi chudan uke.

Follow with migi jodan chokuzuki. Block the gyakuzuki with another migi chudan uke, but the block should just be from pulling your arm back into a kamae (like in sanchin), do not do a full block.

2. Cross handed wrist grab escape

From hidari zenkutsu dachi, step forward and grab their right wrist with your right hand.


Pull your hand hand into chudan kamae like you just did a chudan yoko uke.

Open your hand and rotate it clockwise, press the edge of your hand into the opponent's wrist. This will weaken their grip.

Then place your left hand near your elbow, and step back with your right leg into zenkutsudachi.

While you do this, pull your right hand back to chamber, and use your left hand to strike down your arm with shuto, making contact with the opponent's hand to break the grip.

3. Kick catch, groin kick

From hidari zenkutsu dachi, migi gedan maegeri


Step back with your right leg and catch the kick at the ankle with your left hand.

With your right hand strike the knee joint and kick to the groin with migi gedan maegeri.

3a. Kick catch and takedown

From hidari zenkutsu dachi, migi gedan maegeri


Step back with your right leg and catch the kick at the ankle with your left hand.

With your right-hand strike the knee joint. Raise your right knee so it's between the opponent's legs, and turn it counter-clockwise, so that your foot presses into their left leg, and your knee presses down onto their right leg.

This motion will cause the opponent to fall to the ground as it will break their balance.

4. Block to inside, kick and elbow, block their gyakuzuki, cover the hand, step across kansetsu geri, punch of back of head

From hidari zenkutsu dachi, migi chudan oizuki, hidari gedan gyakuzuki.


Suriashi to the right, blocking hidari chudan uke. Kick with Migi gedan maegeri, land forward, and strike with migi chudan hijiate.

Block the second attack with migi gedan barai, then cover your attacker's right hand with your left hand and step across to the left slightly, as you are shifting over, swap your hands so your right hand is covering their right hand.

Follow with migi kansetsu geri to the opponents right leg. As they drop down, they will be forced to turn away from you, attack with hidari gyakuzuki to the head (because they dropped down this will be at your chudan/gedan height).

5. Close-fisted juji-Uke

From hidari zenkutsu dachi, migi chudan maegeri


Drop into shikodachi, block kick using juji uke (right arm over left).

5a. Open handed juji uke

From hidari zenkutsu dachi, migi chudan maegeri


Drop into shikodachi, block kick using open handed juji uke (right arm over left).

Quickly rotate your arms clockwise to trap the leg, this should turn over the opponent so they are now facing away from you.

6. Punch, catch, kick, catch, push takedown

From hidari zenkutsu dachi, migi jodan oizuki. Follow with hidari gedan maegeri.


Step back with your left foot, block punch with migi jodan uke then grip the arm.

Catch the kick with your left hands as you pull your left foot to the side so you are perpendicular to the attacker (tai sabaki).

Twist your arms and retract to chamber (while retaining your grip on the arm and leg), as you pull your right leg back into migi sanchin danchi (facing opponent).

Move forward while shoving them to send them falling.

7.a Koken uke rib strike, shove

From hidari zenkutsu dachi, migi chudan oizuki, follow with hidari jodan gyakuzuki.


Step back with your left foot, block with hidari yoko koken uke.

For the jodan strike, block migi jodan koken uke while dropping down into shikodachi.

Then strike the ribs with both hands (shutou), and then shove your partner away

7.b Koken uke, drop to shikodachi, Jodan nukite

From hidari zenkutsu dachi, migi chudan oizuki, follow with hidari jodan gyakuzuki.


Step back with your left foot, block with hidari yoko koken uke.

For the jodan strike, block migi jodan koken uke while dropping down into shikodachi.

Then strike migi jodan nukite to the eyes.