# Training By Kata

(By Sensei Ewan)

You can plan a training session around any kata of your choice. Like any training session it consists of basics, combinations, moving basics, and kata.

For the basics, combinations, and moving basics, do one set of 10 slow, focusing on good technique, and two or more sets fast and strong. You should do your own count (initially the language of your choice, but eventually in Japanese), and don't forget to count before you do the technique.

# Sections

# Basics

The basics you do come from the kata. Take the techniques in order from the kata. Only do any technique once, even if its in the kata more than once. First do the basic version of the technique, rather than exactly how it appears in the kata. Then (optionally) do a version closer to the kata version (some techniques from the kata may only make sense with movement, so do that later). Don't forget stances!

# Combinations

Do all the combinations in the kata, again in the order of the kata. There may be more choice here as to exactly which techniques go in the combination. For example, if the kata has 3 consecutive techniques, one combination could be the first two techniques, another the second two, and a third all three. You could do any of those combinations (or all of them).

# Moving Basics

Take all the places in the kata where there is a step and a technique and combine the two. As with combinations, there may be different chOices you can make.

# Kata

Now do the kata several times (5 times is a good starting point), applying what you've just practiced as you do it. The first time, do it slowly concentrating on good technique, then increase speed and power.

For extra credit do one (or more) sets of press-ups or crunchies between each execution of the kata.

# Bunkai

Go through each of the bunkai. First do the attack (once slow, once fast), then the bunkai.

If there's anything you're not sure of, look it up. It can be found on the Club Wiki Bunkai page or on YouTube.

# Example

Here's how it works for Gekisai Dai Ichi. This takes me about 30 minutes.

# Basics

First do Tachi-Waza (stances). Go into the stance, then step forward for one set (depending on how much room you have) and then backwards for one set. Do at least two sets each direction.

  • Sanchin Dachi
  • Han Zenkutsu-Dachi
  • Shiko Dachi
  • Zenkutsu-Dachi

Note that the stances Musubi Dachi and Hachiji Dachi are in the kata, but don't have movement associated with them. But don't forget them!

Then the hand and leg techniques.

  • Jodan Uke (High block)
  • Jodan Tsuki (High Punch)
  • Gedan Barai (Low block)
  • Chudan Uke (Middle block)
  • Gedan Mae Geri (low front kick)
  • Hijiate (Elbow strike)
  • Uraken (Back fist)
  • Gedan Tsuki (Low Punch)
  • Shuto Uchi (Knife Hand strike)
  • Urazuki (Short punch)

The usual way we do Shuto Uchi as a basic is Jodan Mae Ni (to the front), whereas in the kata it is Yoko (to the side). You could do both, or save the Yoko version for the moving basics.

# Combinations

(Standing Heiko Dachi)

  • Migi Jodan Uke followed by Migi Jodan Oi Zuki, repeat other side
  • Migi Hijiate followed by Migi Uraken, repeat the other side
  • Simultaneously Migi Chudan Zuki and Hidari Urazuki, then swap

(no doubt there are more)

# Moving Basics

  • From Heiko Dachi, step back to Hidari (left) Sanchin Dachi (right foot back) and Hidari Jodan Uke, then return to Heiko Dachi. Next count step back to Migi Sanchin Dachi, Migi Jodan Uke

  • Stepping Han Zenkutsu-Dachi and punching Jodan Oi Zuki, alternating sides.

  • From Heiko Dachi, shift your right foot into Shiko-Dachi and block Migi Gedan Barai, then step back to Heiko Dachi. Now shift your left foot and block Hidari Gedan Barai.

  • From Hidari Sanchin Dachi, step forward into Migi Sanchin Dachi blocking Migi Chudan Uke. Now step Hidari Sanchin Dachi blocking Hidari Chudan Uke. Repeat gOing forward, then step backwards.

  • From Hidari Zenkutsu-Dachi, kick Migi Gedan Mae Geri. Continue alternating sides.

  • Standing Hachiji Dachi (natural stance) do Migi Jodan Yoko Shuto Uchi (knife-hand strike temple height to right side) and at the same time do Migi Ashi Barai (sweep). Continue alternating sides.

(no doubt there are more)

Here is the bunkai page for Gekisai Dai Ichi.

Here's Sensei Higaona doing the kata and bunkai on YouTube: