# Standard Bunkai

1. Wrist grab escape
Step forward and grab both wrists of the defender.

Bring your hands together and raise them like in the kata, step back and drop into Shikodachi while pulling your arms down and outward like in the kata.

Follow with a knee, or a kick depending on distance of the attacker.

2. Scooping block and Nukite
From Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi, punch Migi Chudan Oizuki.

Perform Hidari sukui Uke, then with the same hand, grab the top of the arm near the elbow, pull downward into ‘chamber’ while suriashi-ing forward and in close.

Perform a Migi Chudan Nukite into attacker's side, aim below the ribs.

Preferably you want to pull your opponent toward you but, in reality you will likely have to move yourself if you wish to the gap.

3. Augmented punch and push
From Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi, punch Migi Chudan Oizuki.

Hidari Shote Uke, followed by augmented punch.

Follow with hojo oshi.

4. Block and elbow
From Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi, punch Migi Chudan Oizuki.

Hidari Shote Uke, stepping forward Migi Chudan higiate (to the chest).

5. Block and strike to the ear
From Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi, punch Migi Chudan Oizuki.

Parry the punch with a Migi Chudan Uke while using suriashi to move to the left and forward (45 degrees) settling into Neko Ashi Dachi, at the same time perform an open handed palm strike to the attacker's right ear (which is on the defender's right).

6. Block and Gedan Barai strike
From Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi, punch Migi Chudan Oizuki.

Migi Chudan Uke, grab the wrist with right hand.

Drop down into Shikodachi, strike with Gedan Barai to the groin.

7. Block and takedown
From Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi, punch Migi Jodan Oizuki, followed with a Hidari Chudan Maegeri.

Right hand ‘archer block’, scooping block catch leg (like in Saifa bunkai #2).

Turn and lift, dropping into Shikodachi as you do. Lower/drop your attacker to the floor.

8. Block-block-Uraken
From Migi Zenkutsu Dachi, punch Hidari Chudan Oizuki, followed by Migi Chudan Gyakuzuki.

Block Hidari Gedan harai (open handed) across the body, then Migi Uchi Uke, followed by Migi Uraken to the face.

9. Double block
From Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi, punching high Chudan Oizuki, followed by Gedan Gyakuzuki.

Double block to counter (the attacks aren't simultaneous so you block one at a time).

Block high with left hand.

Block low with right. Step forward into Shikodachi and perform Migi Agezuki to the jaw, followed by Uraken to the face and Gedan Barai to the groin.

10. Bear hug from behind escape
Bear hug from behind.

Initially the arms are crossed (like an X).

Close your tanden and raise your body, then open your tanden drop into Neko Ashi Dachi while sticking butt out, all in one sudden movement.

At the same time, uncross arms, elbowing behind with the right arm and diagonally raising your elbow with the left to pry the arms off of yourself.

Follow with another technique after breaking out (like an elbow to the head).

11. Shote Uke-Uraken
From Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi, punch Chudan Oizuki.

Hidari Shote Uke, Migi Jodan Uraken.

Double Kuri Uke
From Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi, punch high Chudan Oizuki, followed by a Hidari high Chudan gakuzuki.

Use a Hidari kuri Uke, followed by a Migi Kuri Uke.

Follow with Migi Shuto Uchi to the attacker's neck.