Renzoku Bunkai 「連続分解」 or "Continuous Applications" (also known as two-person kata) are two-person drills based off of kata. Generally, one person is designated the "Defender" and one the "Attacker", both persons will perform a predetermined sequence of attacks, defenses, and movements based off of a kata. These can be used to practice speed, timing, and techniques in a controlled environment and with variable pressure (you can raise or lower the intensity as needed).

# Sandan gi / Sandan Uke

While not exactly based off of a kata, Sandan gi is similar enough to a Renzoku Bunkai that I've put it here. Sandan gi is written in Japanese as 三段技, literally "Three level techniques". It is also known as Sandan uke 三段受け, which literally means "Three level blocks".

# Video

# Important Points

  • Stances are sanchin dachi -> hanzen kutsu dachi -> shikodachi -> repeat
  • Attacks are jodan, chudan, gedan.
  • Jodan Uke -> Chudan Uke -> Gedan Barai.
  • The attacker does the sequence of three attacks twice, before the roles are switched, and the defender then performs the sequqnce of three attacks twice.
  • Ensure your stances are not too long and make sure your shikodachi is on a proper 45˚ angle.
  • Stances and movements will of course need to be adjusted to match your partner's size
  • Keep contact with your partner as much as possible, you should feel them move before you see them move, similar to kakie, this helps train your touch sensitivity which is important in close combat.
  • This also helps to train muchimi, press your partner and 'stick' to them.

# Gekisai Dai Ichi

# Club's Standard Renzoku Bunkai

# Saifa

# Saifa Renzoku Bunkai #1

Originally created by George Andrews Sensei (of the OTGKA).

# Saifa Renzoku Bunkai #2

Comes to us via David Reddaway Sensei who got it from Luis Nunes Sensei. It was originally craeted by Ryoichi Onaga Sensei (formerly of the IOGKF, but now in the OGKK) to present for a grading. The renzoku content can vary as it has had different modifications applied for different demonstrations.

# Seiyunchin

# Seiyunchin Renzoku Bunkai

# Sanseiru

# Sanseiru Renzoku Bunkai

# Seipai

# Iain Abernathy Seipai Renzoku Bunkai

Created by Iain Abernathy Sensei, this shows some ways you can apply techniques from Seipai.

# First Half:

# Second Half:

# A more detailed look at the first half:

# Tensho

# Tensho Renzoku Bunkai