For the kata, see Shisochin

# Standard Bunkai

1. Block and Nukite
(From hidari zenkutsu dachi), migi chudan oizuki

Block with hidari chudan ura kake uke, simultaneously strike with migi chudan nukite to the solar plexus.

2. Attempted neck grab counter
(From hidari zenkutsu dachi), step forward with both hands raised, aiming to grab the neck.

Using both hands, grab the wrists of the attacker from underneath. Pulling the arms down and outwards (similar to an 'L' shape) while stepping backwards into zenkutsu dachi.

Use this step to drop your weight and apply more force to your pull. Follow with hiza geri.

Note: Be careful of the attacker's head coming forwards when you pull them downwards, if you're not careful you might get headbutted.

3. Block and counter with armbar
(From hidari zenkutsu dachi), migi chudan oizuki.

Block with migi ura kake uke, grab wrist with that same hand and hold tight.

Pull the arm straight and press your left forearm against the elbow.

Turn hips clockwise (to the right) to apply pressure.

3a. Block two punches and counter with armbar
(From hidari zenkutsu dachi), migi chudan oizuki, follow with hidari chudan gyakuzuki.

Block with migi ura kake uke, block the second punch with hidari hiki uke and grasp the wrist.

Pull the arm straight and press your right forearm against the elbow.

Turn hips counter-clockwise (to the left) to apply pressure.

4. Escape grab from behind
Grab defender from behind in bear hug, under the arms.

From heisoku dachi, bend your knees and drop your weight, jamming your butt into opponent, bending them forward.

At the same time, strike backward with an elbow and over your shoulder with the other hand's fist (ushiro zuki) to strike the head.

5. Block kick and counter with shotei uchi
(From hidari zenkutsu dachi), migi gedan maegeri.

Block with a slightly circular hidari gedan shotei uke (sweep the leg out of the way), while stepping forward and attacking with migi chudan shotei uchi.

6. Hiki uke, kick, elbow
(From hidari zenkutsu dachi), migi chudan oizuki

Block with hidari hiki uke, follow with migi gedan maegeri, land forward with a migi hijiate.

7. Block and elbow
(From hidari zenkutsu dachi), migi chudan oizuki.

Step forward while blocking hidari chudan shotei uke, follow with a migi hijiate.

8. Double wrist grab escape
(From hidari zenkutsu dachi), step forward and grab both wrists of the defender.

Step forward, while rotating hands palm up and raising arms while projecting elbows forward.

You should end up in a similar position to the kata.

Continue by forcing an elbow between the attacker's arms and strike attacker.

9. Double kake uke, koken uchi

(From hidari zenkutsu dachi), migi chudan oizuki.

Follow with hidari gedan gyakuzuki.


Block using chudan ura kake uke, and then gedan ura kake uke.

Follow with simultaneous strikes to face and groin using koken uchi.