# Footwork

# Stances

# Heisoku-dachi (ready stance)

Feet together, legs straight and relaxed.

Appears in Shisochin

# Musubi-dachi (ready stance)

Heels together, with each foot pointing outwards 45º (forming a right angle between the feet).

# Heiko-dachi (natural stance)

Feet parallel, shoulder-width apart.

# Heiko Sanchin-Dachi or Mae Heiko-dachi (Forward natural stance)

Feet shoulder-width apart, weight distributed evenly over both legs. Forward foot slightly ahead of rear foot, so that back of front foot aligns with the front of the rear foot.

# Sanchin-dachi (tension stance)

Feet shoulder-width apart, weight distributed evenly over both legs. Knees tensed and pulled inwards. Forward foot slightly ahead of rear foot, so that back of front foot aligns with the front of the rear foot. Toes pointed slightly inward. Back straight and hips tensed, with pelvis pulled forwards and upwards.

Appears in: Sanchin

# Soto Hachiji-dachi or Hachiji-dachi (natural stance)

Feet shoulder-width apart, feet both pointing outwards at 45º.

Appears in Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Saifa.

# Uchi Hachiji-dachi (natural stance)

As for soto-hachiji-dachi but feet pointing slightly inwards.

# Zenkutsu-dachi (front stance)

Forward leg bent at the knee with 60% of weight on front leg and 40% on rear leg. Knee of rear leg locked and extended approximately two shoulder-widths behind lead foot. Torso erect. Feet facing outwards at 45º.

# Han Zenkutsu-dachi (half front stance)

As for zenkutsu-dachi, but feet only one shoulder-width apart. Weight is distributed evenly. Front knee is bent so that toes are obscured.

# Gyaku Zenkutsu-dachi (rear defense stance)

As in zenkutsu-dachi but turned around so straight leg points forward. Head and torso turned to face forward, leaning to the rear.

# Neko Ashi-dachi (cat foot stance)

Rear knee bent, with foot flat on ground, and toes facing to the outside. Resting lightly (10%) on the front leg, approximately one shoulder-width from the rear leg. Toes of front foot facing forwards, flat on ground with heel of foot raised. Crouching slightly, with front leg in centre of body, bent a little at the knee. Torso erect.

# Koukutsu-dachi (back stance)

Rear knee bent, with foot facing to the outside. Forward leg approximately two shoulder-widths in front of and perpendicular to rear foot (i.e. facing forwards). 70% of weight on rear leg, 30% on foward leg.

# Hanmi Kokutsu-dachi

As for kokutsu-dachi, but rear leg is placed slightly to the side. Rear foot points directly sideways with back of foot aligned with big toe of front foot.

# Kiba-dachi or Naifanchi-dachi (horse stance)

Feet roughly two shoulder-widths apart, parallel, toes pointed forwards.

# Shiko-dachi (straddle stance)

Feet spread approximately two shoulder-widths apart, toes pointed outward at 45º. Weight distributed evenly over both legs. Knees bent deeply and pulled back as far as possible. Torso erect. Lower legs/shins approximately vertical.

# Naname Shiko-dachi (diagonal straddle stance)

As for Shiko-dachi but at a 45º angle.

# Yokomuki Shiko-dachi (sideways straddle stance)

As for Shiko-dachi, but looking directly to the side.

# Sesan-dachi (side facing straddle stance)

Similar to yokomuki Shiko-dachi, but leading foot points directly forward and rear foot points directly outwards.

# Moto-dachi

Similar to naname Shiko-dachi, but leading foot points directly forward and rear foot points directly outwards.

# Shirasagiashi-dachi or sagiashi-dachi (one-legged or crane stance)

Leg raised and tucked behind knee of supporting leg. Supporting leg bent at knee and foot turned outward, weight shifted back above supporting leg.

Appears in Saifa.

# Renoji-dachi (Japanese character Re stance)

Feet one shoulder width apart, front leg in centre of body pointing directly forwards. Rear leg pointing outwards 45º. Legs relaxed and straight.

Appears in: Seiyunchin, Seipai.

# Kosa-dachi (crossed-leg stance)

One leg crossed over the other with both knees bent. Front foot flat on ground. Rear leg supported on ball of foot. Front foot facing to outside at 45º.

# Bensoku-dachi

Similar to kosa-dachi but both feet flat on ground.