For the kata, see Gekisai Dai Ni

# Standard Bunkai

There are 2 standard bunkai for Gekisai Dai Ni.

Note There are currently no photos/videos, I'll add some eventually.

1. Hiki uke
From hidari zenkutsu-dachi, punch hidari chudan oizuki.

Right handed hiki uke, while performing a suriashi to the left on a 45 degree angle to the front (end up standing in heiko-sanchin-dachi.

Follow with a right handed nukite to the attacker’s eyes.

2. Toraguchi
From hidari zenkutsu-dachi, punch hidari chudan oizuki.

Perform a left handed toraguchi while performing a suriashi to the right on a 45 degree angle.

End in a hidari neko-ashi-dachi, follow with a two handed push to the shoulder and hip of the attacker while performing a suriashi forward.

Note: Get close before you start pushing, if your arms are extended when you begin, you will have less leverage. Also remember to use your body weight, and push off with your back foot from the neko-ashi-dachi, don't just casually step in.

Variation 1: Move to the left (the outside) of your attacker instead of the right, then push as usual. This is safer for the defender as it's harder for the attacker to follow up with another attack.

Variation 2: Move left or right as you wish, but instead of pushing, strike the head and groin. This can be a regular percussive strike or nukite/gouging.