# Gekisai Dai San

Gekisai Dai San
kanji: げきさいだいさん
origin: Okinawa
creator: Uehara Kou + South African Karateka

A supplemental Goju Ryu Karate kata, seemingly created in collaboration between Uehara Kou (student of Eiichi Miyazato) and South African Karateka, as a bridge between the simpler Gekisai Kata and Saifa. This Kata introduces a number of open handed techniques and the concept of attacking with one hand while not chambering the other.

Not to be confused with the other Gekisai Dai San which has the same name.

# Name Meaning

When you interpret the kanji characters for 'Gekisai' individually, you get something more like "Attack & Destroy". Taken as a single word, Gekisai(撃砕)means "Pulverising​". Dai San(第三)means "Number Three". So "Attack & Destory Number Three" or "Pulverising Number Three", the former is the more popular interpretation. The reason for the "number three" is because Gekisai Dai San is the third in a series of kata.

# How To

# Kata Techniques

  • Jodan Koken Uke
  • Jodan Shotei
  • Gedan Barai (Open hand)
  • Chudan Hiki Uke
  • Gedan Mae Geri
  • Fumikomi Geri
  • Hiji Ate
  • Ura Ken Uchi
  • Gedan Shotei
  • Ashi Barai
  • Jodan Shutou Uchi
  • Tora Guchi
  • Hari Uke
  • Toraguchi

# Kata Stances