For the kata, see Saifa

# Standard Bunkai

1. Wrist grab breakout

Stepping forward with right foot from heiko dachi, grab the defender’s left wrist (their left, your right) with your right hand.

After they break the grip follow with a hidari chudan gyakuzuki.


Make a fist with your left hand, step forward 45 degrees to the left with the left foot, pull your left fist almost into chamber (it should be turned so the knuckles are facing the outside of your body, and sticking out of chamber). Grab your left fist with your right hand, bend your left wrist way from your body, then finish stepping, as you pull in your right leg into heiko dachi turn to face the attacker (you should have turned 90 degrees and be perpendicular to your attacker).

Then pull/push your left hand across your body bringing your right arm into chamber, this should break the grab.

Counter the incoming punch with a right handed shotei uke while shifting into a shikodachi, followed by a left handed uraken to the attacker’s face.

2. Scooping double block
From hidari zenkutsu-dachi, punch high migi chudan oizuki, followed by hidari chudan maegeri.

Hidari sukui uke to catch the elbow of the punching arm. Follow with a migi sukui uke to catch the kick (arm goes under the thigh, elbow joint should end up underneath the knee joint).

Follow by kneeing the attacker’s thigh with your right knee and pushing them away (keeping the knee in the air), retain a grip on their arm, perform a migi chudan maegeri, and then pull them towards you at the same time for extra power.

3. Double block and push
From hidari zenkutsu-dachi, punch migi jodan oizuki, followed by hidari jodan gyakuzuki.

Block with hidari hiki uke while stepping back with the left foot into hanzenkutsudachi, don’t pull hand back into chamber (leave it at about shoulder height still blocking the punch).

Follow with a migi hiki uke, as before don’t pull to chamber.

Follow this by using both hands to attack the attacker’s shoulders by dig into the soft spots found near the collar bone.

Follow this by stepping forward and shoving/pushing the attacker near the shoulders.

4. Leg grab defense
Stepping forward and kneeling down, grabbing defender’s right knee.

Bring your hands down in an circular fashion, striking the attacker’s head on either side of it. The right hand should be a hammer fist, with your knuckles facing downwards. The left hand should be an open palm strike to the ear.

After striking the head, swap the hands onto the (respective) other side of the head and grab the ears; the left hand should move underneath the chin and the right over the top of the head.

While gripping the ears, turn while shifting into shikodachi, at the same time turn the hands so the right hand moves to the right and left to the left.

This will force the attacker to flip over as you turn.

After turning around about 180 degrees, slam the attacker’s head onto the ground, follow by digging your thumbs into their eyes.

5. Tetsui
From hidari zenkutsu-dachi, punch chudan oizuki.

Perform an inside swinging arm block with the right arm while taisabaki-ing back 90 degrees with the left foot. In the same motion, continue swinging the arm, towards your chest, fist over your head and then hammerfist strike the attacker’s head.

Grab the back of the attacker’s head near the base of the neck or grab the hair, and pull them downwards while striking the face with a hidari uratzuki.

6. Haito strike
Left leg back, punch chudan oizuki.

Suriashi to the right into neko-ashi dachi on a 45-degree angle to the attacker. In the same movement perform a hidari kake uke, and perform a haito strike to the attacker’s back using the thumb side of the right hand.