# Gekisai Dai San (Shoreikan)

Gekisai Dai San (Shoreikan)
kanji: げきさいだいさん
origin: Okinawa
creator: Seikichi Toguchi

A Shoreikan Goju Ryu Karate kata, this was created by Seikichi Toguchi (direct student of Chojun Miyagi), as a continuation of the Gekisai Series.

Not to be confused with the other Gekisai Dai San which has the same name.

# Name Meaning

When you interpret the kanji characters for 'Gekisai' individually, you get something more like "Attack & Destroy". Taken as a single word, Gekisai(撃砕)means "Pulverising​". Dai San(第三)means "Number Three". So "Attack & Destory Number Three" or "Pulverising Number Three", the former is the more popular interpretation. The reason for the "number three" is because Gekisai Dai San is the third in a series of kata.

# How To

# Kata Techniques

  • Chudan Gyakuzuki
  • Chudan Kake Uke
  • Gedan Barai (Open Hand)
  • Jodan Koken Uke
  • Jodan Oi Zuki
  • Chudan Hiki Uke
  • Gedan Mae Geri
  • Hiji Ate
  • Fumikomi Geri
  • Ura Ken Uchi
  • Gedan Gyaku Zuki
  • Ashi Barai
  • Jodan Shutou Uchi
  • Tora Guchi

# Kata Stances