Name Meaning
The name "Sanchin" is composed of the characters "Three" () and "Battle"(), thus meaning "Three Battles". These battles are commonly thought to be the battles of the mind, body and spirit; which can all be improved by the practice of Sanchin, or so the story goes.
Kata History
It is said that [Kanryo Higashionna] was the one who changed Sanchin's open hands into closed fists. This is supported by the fact that all the karate styles that spawned from Higashionna (Goju Ryu, Shito Ryu, Tōon-ryū) have close fisted Sanchin. There is also some debate that [Chojun Miyagi] was the one who actually changed the hands to closed fists.
[Chojun Miyagi] learned this kata from [Kanryo Higaonna] and made several changes to it:
- The method of breathing became harder, it's said the orginal was softer.
- The footwork was simplified, the turns that existed in the kata were removed, and the stepping was changed so as to perform fewer steps.
Two main versions of 'Sanchin' now exist in [Goju Ryu], "Higashionna", and "Miyagi". "Higashionna" retains the turns of Higashionna's original version. "Higashionna Sanchin" is also known as "Sanchin Dai Ni"
How To - Miyagi Style ()
Important Points
- Keep the feet on the ground at all times, when stepping slide using the inside edge of the foot
Kata Techniques
- Morote uke
- Gyakuzuki
- Kake Uke
- Chokuzuki
- Nukite
- Toraguchi
Kata Stances
- Musubi Dachi
- Sanchin Dachi
How To - Higaonna Style ()
This version of the kata features turns that the modern version lacks. This is also know as "Sanchin Dai Ni" (三戦第二) or "Turning Sanchin".
Kata Techniques
- Morote Chudan Uke
- Gyakuzuki
- Kake Uke
- Chokuzuki
- Chudan Yoko Uke
- Nukite
- Toraguchi
Kata Stances
- Musubi Dachi
- Sanchin Dachi
- Bensoku Dachi
See Sanchin (Bunkai)